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![]() of the University of Maryland - Baltimore County College Republicans Article I - Name The name of the organization shall be the "UMBC College Republicans," hereinafter referred to as the "UMBC CR." Article II - Purpose A. To unite a campus-wide movement of intelligent, aggressive and productive College Republicans whose objective is to stimulate new ideas and promote discussion, growth and development of Republican values. B. To expand student involvement in politics and increase membership of the UMBC CR and Maryland Republican Party. C. To educate and train its members to assist Republican candidates in their election of local, state and federal offices. D. To perform acts of non-partisan community service to those less fortunate. Article III-Membership A. Membership in the UMBC CR will not be denied because of race, color, age, sex, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, disabled veteran, national origin, or religion. B. Members of the UMBC CR shall be students of UMBC. Special membership criteria may be defined in the By-laws of the UMBC CR Constitution. Article IV - Executive Board Section 1: Elective Officers A. The elected officers of the UMBC CR shall be President, Vice President, and Treasurer. B. All elected officers of the UMBC CR shall be elected at a -----------. They shall take office immediately upon the close of such meeting and serve until the adjournment of their second --------- meeting. Section 2: Appointed Officers A. The appointed officers of the UMBC CR shall be Secretary and Executive Director. B. All appointed officers shall be appointed at the option of the UMBC CR President and will serve at the discretion of the UMBC CR President. C. All appointees shall be ratified by a majority vote of the UMBC CR Executive Board at the next duly convened meeting of the UMBC CR Executive Board, after elections have been held, then confirmed by a majority vote at the next UMBC CR meeting. D. Every officer shall have been a member in good standing of the UMBC CR, for the period of one school semester. Section 3: Duties A. President a. To represent the UMBC CR at UMBC b. To organize the Executive Board c. To conduct general meetings d. To Represent the UMBC College Republicans in the Maryland Federation of College Republicans. e. To appoint or create committees or positions as seen fit. B. Vice President a. To organize the UMBC CR Committees. b. To perform tasks assigned by the UMBC CR President. C. Secretary a. To keep accurate minutes at UMBC CR General Meetings and UMBC CR Executive Board Meetings. b. To distribute minutes of General Meetings to all members of the UMBC CR. c. To perform tasks assigned by the UMBC CR President. D. Treasurer a. To keep accurate records of funds both from SGA appropriations and from fundraisers. b. To perform tasks assigned by the UMBC CR President. E. Executive Director a. To create new ways for the UMBC CR in Public Relations. b. To advertise the UMBC CR events c. To perform tasks assigned by the UMBC CR President. Section 4: Elections Election of officers shall be held during the Spring semester at the ---------. At least on one weeks notice shall be given before the election meeting. Nominations and seconds shall be initiated from the floor. Elections shall be conducted by secret ballot. The person receiving the majority vote shall be elected. Section 5: Impeachment In order to remove any officer from the UMBC CR Executive Board an impeachment must be made by a unanimous vote from the remaining members of the Executive Board. Once an impeachment is made, a formal resolution must be drawn naming the officer impeached and the exact reason(s) for his/her impeachment. The resolution must then be presented at a general meeting and approved by a majority of those present. All members shall be notified not less than one week before the impeachment. Section 6: Vacancy Any vacancy which may occur in office shall be filled by an appointment by the UMBC CR Executive Board to be confirmed by a majority vote at any general meeting. Article V - Rules A. Robert's Rules of Order (Revised Edition) shall be followed by the organization in all cases involving parliamentary procedure. B. Amendments may be made to this constitution by a three-fifths vote at a UMBC CR Executive Board meeting. Followed by a two thirds vote of members at a general UMBC CR meeting. At least one week must be given to all members when an amendment is to be ratified. C. Except in cases involving official resolutions, appointments, elections, and amendments to the UMBC CR Constitution, the rules may be suspended at the UMBC CR Executive Board's discretion. Article VI - Committees Section 1: Creation A. The President must present an Official Resolution to the UMBC CR Executive Board, and allow discussion on respective committee. B. The UMBC CR Executive Board shall then vote on acceptance of a respective Committee with a vote of majority. Section 2: Re-Creation A. Each committee has a duration of year after its creation. B. The President must Present an Official Resolution to the UMBC CR Executive Board, and allow discussion on continuing respective committee. C. The UMBC CR Executive Board shall then vote on continuation of a respective Committee with a vote of majority. Article VII - By Laws and Its Amendments By-laws not inconsistent with this Constitution and embodying additional provisions for the governance of the UMBC CR shall be adopted and may be amended from time to time as provided by such By-laws. |
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This site designed and maintained by John Williams, Executive Director. Copyright 2001-2002, UMBC College Republicans. |